
Marxist Theory of rights

                Marxist Theory of Rights Rights of liberal State welcomed- Marx and Engles welcomes the existence of civil rights in the contemporary bourgeoisie-democratic state because they represented an advance from the feudal state  where no such rights existed. Moreover,though from these rights the capitalist benefitted most, these rights also enabled the workers to organise easily against the capitalist and start agitations. Freedom of the Press defended- As the editor of Rheinixhe Zeitung, Marx wrote many articles defending the freedom of the press but criticised the law of censorship imposed by the state. According to Marx,censorship entirely destroyed the freedom of the Press and various rights conferred upon the people by the constitution. Adult Suffrage- Marx admitted that the capitalist were the major beneficiaries of the civil liberties or the rights guaranteed by the Constitution,since they could invest huge money to o...


                                    Law The term 'Law' has been derived from "an old Teutonic root 'lag' " which means something which lies fixed or evenly ". Law regulates life and without law there is chaos of confusion. The term law is used to denote that which is uniform. Laws are of two kinds:physical and human. Those laws which regulate nature are known as physical laws. Those laws which regulate human life are known as human laws. In Political Science we use the term law to mean a body of rules to guide human actions. Definition of Law 1-According to Salmond, "Law is a collection of the rules which the State recognises and applies in the admiration of justice." 2-According to Austin, "Law is the command of the sovereign." 3-In the opinion of Holland, "A law is a general rule of external human actions enforced by a sovereign political authority." 4-According to Krabbe ,"Law is th...


                          Individualism Individualism considers the State a necessary evil,but it wants to keep the State because without the state,law and order is not possible and without law and order the progress of civilisation and culture is not possible. In spite of all this, the individualist wants to limit the function of the state. Statement of the Theory of Individualism The principles of individualism is also called Laissez Faire in French language,which means,'leave the individual alone ' and there should be minimum interference, in his functions,by the government. It should be left to the will of the individual to do what he desires. The State or the government should only interfere when it feels that one individual is unnecessarily interfering in the liberty of the other. According to John Stuart Mill, the main function of the state is protection. Therefore,the maintenance of army,police,navy and co...


                              Nazism After the First World War (1914-18) the principles preached by Hitler are known as Nazism . There is no need to give details of Nazism,because it's principles are identical to those of Fascism. The reasons for the rise of Nazism-Germany faced a defeat in the First World War. Heavy war reparations were imposed on her . Many of her parts were given away to the neighbouring states and the German armed forces were reduced considerably. Many types of weapons of war. Germany suffered a severe loss in the war and its treasury lay empty. She had no money to give to the allies, i.e England, France the U.S.A.etc. but the allies wanted to realise the money from Germany by force. Thus the economic conditions of Germany deteriorated considerably. After World War I, Weimar Constitution of Germany was framed. According to it ,democracy was established. This democracy continued till 19...


                                Justice Justice is primarily a concept of morality. In short it is an ethical concept. The Marxist view of Justice is that its origin lies in the area of economics. According to Marx, the positive law of the State is imposed on its members by the authority of the class which controls the means of production. Law is determined by the economic interests of the ruling class. When private property is abolished and the means of production are controlled by the working class. Therefore the content of justice depends upon this thing that who controls the means of production? When the state withers away, as contemplated by the Communist,there will be justice without economic origin. Legal Justice When we apply the modern concept of justice,then we have to think of legal,political,social and economic justice. Legal justice is related to the process of law making and the judicial ...


                            Fascism Causes of the rise of Fascism in Italy-Italy was on the side of England and France during the World War I (1914-18) . Therefore, she had to suffer a great loss at the hands of Germany and Austria. Under the Secret Treaty of London,England agreed to give Italy sufficient money and the large territories,but when England became victorious in the war,she completely ignored the claims of Italy. Italy faced a great loss in the First World War. Therefore,there was a great resentment among its people. Secondly, there was widespread discontentment in Italy because after the war,retrenchment took place in the army. Production was falling because the communist were instigating the workers to resort to strike in order to bring in communism. Thirdly, there was indiscipline in all walks of life in Italy. Fourthly, the democratic government,which was established in Italy after the First World W...

3rd Round Table Conference

Third Round Table Conference (17th November to 24th December,1932) Sir Samuel Hoare, the Secretory of State for India, was a perfect snob. He had deep-rooted contempt for Indians. The very idea of sitting along with Indian delegates for deliberations was revolting to him. His intentions was to invite only a few Indians to put there case before a committee of parliament which was to draw the future constitution of India. With much reluctaince,however he agreed to call the Third R.T.C. which met form 17th November to 24th December, 1932. Only 46 delegates were invited this time as against 88 on the first occasion. The choice of Indian delegates was limited only to those persons who were loyal to the govt. Congress participation in the conference was out of question. The Civil Disobedience Movement had been revived and the govt. was busy in putting it down with an iron hand. Even the Hindu Mahasabha was not represented at the conference. The British Labour Party also withdraw because...