Religious Condition of Later Vedic Period

  Religious Condition of Later Vedic Age

Worship of New God and Goddess-During this period new gods like Vishnu,Shiva,Ganesha,Parvati,Rama,Krishna etc.emerged and took the place of Indra,Varuna,Surya,Agni etc.of the vedic period. Nature worship had not become popular by then but Surya worship was still prevalent.Vishnu had taken the place of Varuna.

Rigidity in the Religion-The religion of the Vedic period was quite simple. It has not developed any complexities. Even a layman could understand the vedic religion.But with the passage of time the simple religion of the Aryans was becoming complex day by day.Several new rituals were becoming part of the religion of the Aryans.

Popularity of Yajnas-The Yajnas were becoming very popular during the Epic age.There are reference of several Yajnas in the Ramayana. Rama and Lakshman were sent to the forest to suppress the demons who used to disturb the Yajnas of Vishwamitra.

The Doctrine of Karma-The theory of 'Karma' was gaining in popularity day by day after Lord Krishna divine message to Arjuna before the start of the Mahabharata war.
Thus we some drastic changes in the religious setup of the Epic age.The Aryans were happy with their natural gods and goddesses.


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