What is Political Science?
Nature,Scope and Methods of Political Science
Meaning of Political Science-The term Political Science is related to the word "Politics",which self is derived from the Greek word-"Polis" which means city-state. The origin of political thought in the west . The sophists particularly Protagoras and Georgias in Athens were the first to deal with this mode of thought and then expound a political theory. Later on Socrates ,Plato and Aristotle continued to conduct the scientific study of the various problems concerning the state and the government.Definition of Political Science-
1-Paul Janet says that "Political Science is the part of social science which treats of the foundations of the State and the principles of government.2-According to Garris,"Political Science deals with the origin,development,purpose, and all political problems of the State".
3-Lord Acon says defined,"Political Science is concerned with the state and with conditions essential for its development ".
4-Dr.Garner believes that,"Political Science begins and ends with the state".
5-According to Leacock,"Political Science deals with government".
The conclusion of all above definitions is that the main subject of the study of Political Science is that State and Government.
Nature of Political Science
Since here we are mainly concerned with the western political thought, Aristotle has asserted in his famous book, "Man is by nature a political animal and he,who by nature and not by mere accident is without state,is either above humanity or below it." In other words he says that who is unable to live in society or who has no need because he is sufficient for him self,must be either a beast or god.No doubt about it that man is a social and political animal because he can't do without society or state.Man desires to live in society not only by nature but by compulsion also because without the help of society he is quite unable to meet his needs. By leading a lone life he cannot make available to himself the countless commodities needed in everyday life. He can meet the needs of food,clothing and shelter with the help of others. There are many people in the world who believes that man is not necessarily a political animal and he is also selfish but man prefers to live in the state because it is more advantageous for him to live there man outside it when lawlessness prevails..
Therefore,American writer Robert A. Dahl observes, "Nonetheless,though human beings must and do live in political systems and share the benefits of political life; they do not necessarily participate in political life; they are not necessarily interested in politics,nor they always care what happens in politics; know much about political events or share in making decisions ".
Robert A Dahl further observes, "An individual is unlikely to get involved in politics if he places a low valuation on the rewards to be gained from political involvement relative to the rewards expected from other kinds of human activity. For many people political activity is a good deal gratifying than other outlets-family,friends,recreation and so on.
We should keep in mind that there exists a number of political,social,economic,religious and cultural institutions in a society. State is also one of them. But it is a political institution of supreme importance. It maintains law and order in society,protects human life and enables human beings to make an all round progress. No doubt the chief function of the State is to maintain peace in society but it is not all. In these days it becomes a welfare State and it aim at promoting the welfare of people. These days the State provides for citizens facilities of higher education and medical treatment. It gets the roads and bridges built for them and chalks out the plans and programs of agriculture and industry and control the prices.
Scope of Political Science
1-Study of State and Government-Political Science is the Science of the State and Government,it conducts the scientific study of both the State and Government .It deals with the nature and formation of the State and tries to understand various forms and functions of the Government.
Leacock,who attached more importance in study of political science they maintains that political science deals only with the Government. Like Leacock Karl W.Deutsch says," Because Politics is the making of decisions by public means,it is primarily concerned with government,that is,with the direction and self-direction of large communities of the people.".
Bluntschli says,"Political Science is a Science which is concerned with the State,endeavours to understand and comprehend the State in its essential nature,various forms,manifestation and development." But according to Janet ,a French writer, " It is that part of social science which treats of the foundation of the State and the Principal of the Government."
The State is an agency under which the Government functions. The State is imaginary and it is the Government that gives it a practical shape. The existence of the State is not possible in the absence of the Government. This is the reason why Laski,Gilchrist, Gattell and other have included the study of both the State and the Government in the scope of Political Science.
2-Study of Association and Institution- In this connection Dr.Garner has observed:"In organised way the fundamental problems of Political Science include ,an investigation of the origin and the nature of the State,an inquiry into nature,history and forms of political institutions and the last thing is deduction therefrom, so far as possible of laws of political growth and development."
There are many types of institutions in a country or in a society and the State an institution that stands supreme-controls all of them. These are used to the nation and have their utilities in society. This is the reason why we study,in political science,these institutions along with the State.
3-Study of National and International Problems and the Political Study of Man-The term Political Science is derived from the Greek word Polis which means City-State. In ancient times. Greece was divided into small city-State and the affairs related to those city-state were known as Politics. These days Political Science is not limited to the city-State only but it deals with the national and the international problems.
Herman Heller has laid stress on this point in 'Encyclopaedia' of Social Science. He writes,"It may be said that the character of Political Science in all of its parts is determined by its basic pre-supposition regarding man."
According to Laski," The study of Political Science concerns itself with the life of man in relation to organised states".
3-Study of Past,Present and Future Development of State-Political Science attempts to explain the meaning and the essential nature of the State and deals with the laws of its progress and development. It throws a shade of light on its origins,form,structure and its dealings with other States and international organisations. The study of Political Science also includes a historical survey of the origins of the State and its evolution. Its scope is not restricted to the study of past and present alone,but it directs the future course of the development of the State. It gives timely suggestions with a view to improving the political institution and modifying political activities so as to meet the new demand of the changing world.
4-Study of the concept of power-According to modern writers power means the sum total of capacities with the help of which a person can manipulate things to his own advantage.
Consequently,modern political scientists under the behavioural and systems approach have widened the scope of political science to cover many more aspects like political socialisation,political culture,political development and informal structure like pressure groups,etc.
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