The Theory of Divine Origin
Divine Theory
a-Statement of the Theory
According to this theory, the state is a divine institution of God has created it for the common welfare. This theory propagates that either God Himself rules over or sends his representatives or the deputy to rule over the people. The king is God's representative and therefore,he is responsible to God and not to the people.It is the supreme duty of the people that they should obey the commands of the king. To opposite the king is to oppose God.The king may be a tyrant, yet the people have got no right to go against the king. Disobedience to the king is the disobedience to God. King's opposition is God's opposition. It is not the people to ask the king to give the account of his deeds. God alone is entitled to ask the king to give the account of his good deeds or bad deeds. In this way the exponents of this theory regard the king and his administration as superior to the people and law. According to this theory no power on earth can put a restraint to the king's will, nor can any authority ban his use of power. The supporters of this theory consider it a sin to protest against the power and authority of the king and call his actions unjustified. Therefore,it is the supreme duty and highest moral obligation to carry out the commands of the king who is the representative of god on this earth. To violate the dictates of the king and to disobey him is not only a legal offence but also a sin. So the people should unconditionally surrender to the king. Thus,it is not quite clear that nobody is entitled to go against the king or to dethrone the king even though the proves to be tyrant."Kings",writes James I,are breathing images of God upon earth", and disobedience to their dictates is the disobedience to God"."As it is atheism and blasphemy to dispute what God can do, so it is presumption and high contempt in a subject to dispute what a king can do or to say that a king cannot do this or that",Rebellion in the cause of religion is regarded as a sacrilege because, "the state of monarchy is the supermost thing upon earth; kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne but even by God Himself they are called God".
b-The Divine Theory followed by the Hindus
As has already been stated that the Divine Theory of the origin of the state is as old as the state itself. "Manusmriti ",is the glaring example of this theory. It has been clearly stated in the "Manusmriti",that "thought the king is a human being yet no one should hate him because he is God in the shape of man".I has been clearly stated that "people were fed up with the anarchy and so God created the state for their protection".In the Gita, the famous book of the Hindus, Lord Krishna declared himself to be the king of the people. Kautilya has stated in his famous book, "Arthashastra",that the king is equal to Indira,the God of rain and sky or Yama, the God of Death. And so he must not be insulted. Though it is true that such statements have been given in the books like "Manusmriti"that the king is under the command of religion and he makes use of sceptre only for safeguarding religion. Spiritually,and morally degraded king is killed by his followers".c-The Divine Theory followed by Jews
The Divine Theory of the origin of the state takes us back to the earliest stage of political life."The Old Testament",the religious book of the Jews is the glaring example of this theory. In the "Old Testament God is looked upon as the immediate source of royal powers".Bluntschli has very aptly pointed out that according to the Jews,of "the stage was the immediate work of God,the direct revelation upon earth the divine government".In the Bible it has been stated,"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.For there is no power but of God;the powers that be,are ordained of God".d-The Divine Theory followed by the Christians
With the rise of Christianity this theory received a new impetus. The Church-fathers founded this theory on the well-known saying of Paul :Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers;for there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation". The Church fathers preached this theory in the entire Europe. According to them man in the beginning lived in heaven but for his own sins, he was hurled from the Paradise. Then God created the state on the earth and pointed the king as its head. Hence, the king was regarded as the "infallible head" over the people. The Divine Right of the kings became a supreme weapon in the hands of the despotic monarchs who were thought to be responsible to God alone. James I ruled over Britain in accordance with the principle of the Divine Right of the kings. In the famous book-"Law of Free Monarchies", James I has stated the following rights of the king;1-Kings derived power straight from God.
2-Kings have no legal obligations to the people.
3-Laws were products of king's authority and they, therefore,could not be above the king.
4-Kings had power of life and death over their subjects.
5-Subjects should obey the king's orders and even if he happened to be bad,they could not rise in rebellion against him as they were the "breathing images of God upon earth".
e-Divine Rights of Kings
After having sought the assistance of the Divine Theory, the kings of Europe formulated their own theory known as "Divine Rights of Kings". Dr. J.N. Figgs is the supporter of the Divine Rights of kings. According to him :1-the king was given political power by God
2-political power is hereditary
3-the king is a great source of intelligence and wisdom and is responsible to God alone
4-it is a sin to disobey the king or to do against his will.
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