

There is so much information in the world outside the body and brain that information has to have a way to get into the brain where,it can be used to determine action and responses.
Sensation is the process of detecting and encoding stimulus energy in the world.

Characteristics of Sensation

1-Quality-On the basis of quality sensation is of five types-vision,sound,taste,smell and touch sensation. It is entirely different from each other on the basis of quality.

2-Duration-It refers to the time period of sensation. The experience of various stimulus last till different time period.

3-Extensity-This characteristics refers to the extent of sensation. The more range the stimulus covers of the extent of of sensation. The more range the stimulus covers of the sensation the more is its range.

4-Clearness-It is seen that if concentration is laid on a stimulus it becomes more clear than before. But the sensation on which he does not concentrate its experience remains unclear.

5-Intensity-Some sensation are of high intensity and others of low. The sensation of high intensity,produced comparatively higher experience.

6-Local Sign-It is seen that the place of different stimuli in different sensory organ is decided.
For example-If the skin is touched at two different places then the sensation at both the places from this touch stimuli is different. This difference is because of local signs.


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