
                                     Social Class.                                                         Social Class-A social class is made of people of similar social status who regard one another as social equals.Each class has a set of values,attitudes,beliefs and behaviour norms which differ from those of other classes.

According to Giddens (2000),"a class is a large scale grouping of people who share common economic resources,which strongly influence the type of lifestyle they are able to lead ".

Ogburn and Nimkoff,"A social class is the aggregate of persons having essentially the same social status in a given society.

Max Weber defined," a class is a number of people sharing one or more causes of life chances."

Mac Iver and Page ,"a social class is any portion of the community marked off from the rest by social statuses."

Determinants of social class

Different criteria have been adopted for making distinctions between various classes.Those criteria vary with time,place,and circumstances.
There was a time when birth was the main criterion used in determining the status of persons in society.

1-Wealth and Income-Possession of substantial amounts of wealth is the main characteristic distinguishing the upper class from other class groups in society.Persons having more wealth and income generally have higher social positions and respect in society.

2-Occupations-Occupation is an exceedingly important aspect of social class status.It is a well known fact that some kinds of work are more honourable than others for example doctors,engineers,professors and lawyers hold a higher position than a car mechanic or manual workers.The high prestige occupations generally receive the higher incomes,yet there are many exceptions.It is also one of the best clues to ones way of life.

3-Education-There is a close reciprocal relationship between social class and education.To get a higher education one needs money plus motivation.
Upper class children already have money for the finest schools and colleges.They also have family traditions and social encouragement.
Ones amount and the kind of education affects the class rank he will secure.Thus,education is one of the main levers of the man'n social class.

4-Prestige-It refers to the respect and admiration with which can occupation is regarded by society.Prestige is independent of the particular person who occupies a job.
Sociologists have tried to assign prestige ranking to various occupations.


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