Religious Movement : Jainism


The origin of Jainism is very old. Rishabh dev is the founder of Jainism. Bhaghwat Purana and Vishnu Purana also refer to Rishabha as an incarnation of Narayana. Jain religion is the outcome of the teachings of twenty-four Tirthankaras. They are shrouded in obscurity but we have sufficient details about Parshvanath, the twenty-third Tirthankara of Jainism.


Parshvanath was the real founder of Jainism. He was the son of Asvasena, the king of Banaras or Kashi. Prabhavati was the name of his wife. She was the daughter of king Narvarman. He renounced the world at the age of thirty and became an ascetic. After a profound meditation for 84 days , he attained the highest knowledge known as 'Kaivalya Gyana' in the Jain religion. He preached Jainism for about seventy years, and died of hundred years at the top of the hill known as Parshvanath hill. 

Teachings of Parshvanath:

He opposed the worship of gods and goddesses and the performing of Yajnas. He was against the caste system and did not favor the animal sacrifice. His main teachings were (i) non-injury (ii) non-stealing (iii) truthfulness and (iv) non-possession.
The teachings of Parshvanath had already given Jainism an organised form.Existence of Jain Sangha along with certain rules for the monks and nuns also proves that prior to the advent Mahavira , Jainism had been flourishing.

Vardhaman Mahavira:

He was born in village Kundragram of Vaishali district in Bihar in 599 a rich family. The name of his father was Siddharatha who was the chief of Jnatrika clan.His mother Trishla was related to the royal families of Vaishali and Magadha. She had two sons and one daughter. Vardhaman was the youngest son who later on became prominent and renowned as Mahavira Swami. The early life of Vardhaman passed in luxuries of the royal palace.He was married to the princess Yasoda . He also got a daughter with her.Vardhman's parents were the followers of Parshvanath. He was inspired by his parents. However he led a normal family life up to the age of thirty years.After the death of his parents, he renounced the world with the permission of his elder brother and became an ascetic in search of truth.

Attainment of True Knowledge:

During the course of his wanderings he tried several ways to attain the knowledge. For about thirteen years Vardhaman lived a life of self-mortification and profound meditation.In the beginning of his ascetic career he used to wear clothes but after sometimes he cast off his clothes and walked naked. After thirteen years of self-mortification and penance,he attained the true knowledge outside Jrimbhikagrama, near the Parshvanath hills and came to be known as Jina, a Kevalin and omniscient.

As a Religious Preacher:

Mahavira Swami devoted himself to the task of propagating his religious knowledge and gospels. He traveled widely from place to place and spread his new faith in various parts of Magadha, Videha and other surrounding religions.As he was related to a royal family, he got every possible help and support from the royalists, such as Pradyota of Avanti and Bimbisara of Magadha and his son Ajatashatru  became his disciple. Having preached for about thirty years,he breathed his last in 527 BC at the age of 72 years at Pava near Rajagriha. 


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