
Force Theory

                              The Force Theory a-Statement of the Theory- This theory holds that the state originated and developed by the use of naked force applied by the strong over the weak and their consequent subjugation. In the very beginning man lived in small groups (Guilds) and wondered from one place to another in search of food. Many times a fight broke out in these groups. Whenever the strong group succeeded in having its control over the weak group the State was organised, because the leader of the strong used to become the king and brought the defeated group into his subjection. In his famous book "History Politics" Jenks points out, "Historically speaking there is not the slightest difficulty in proving that all political communities of the modern type owe their existence to successful warfare." This statement of Jenks makes it very clear that the state is the out-come of war and that "war begets the king." Voltaire has also admitted t

The Theory of Divine Origin

                                  Divine Theory a-Statement of the Theory According to this theory, the state is a divine institution of God has created it for the common welfare. This theory propagates that either God Himself rules over or sends his representatives or the deputy to rule over the people. The king is God's representative and therefore,he is responsible to God and not to the people.It is the supreme duty of the people that they should obey the commands of the king. To opposite the king is to oppose God.The king may be a tyrant, yet the people have got no right to go against the king. Disobedience to the king is the disobedience to God. King's opposition is God's opposition. It is not the people to ask the king to give the account of his deeds. God alone is entitled to ask the king to give the account of his good deeds or bad deeds. In this way the exponents of this theory regard the king and his administration as superior to the people and law. According


                                           Nationality Many political thinkers have defined "nationality " in their own way. As has already been stated that the term "nationality " has been derived from the Latin word "Natio" which commonly connotes the idea of birth or race. In this way by nationality we mean the status of a number of people who belong to one race and who have similar attitudes in regard to their race. But we should not forget that this literal meaning of the word "nationality " has undergone a revolutionary change. Richard W.F. Flournoy has very aptly remarked in this connection,"While nationality is sometimes used broadly with reference to blood relationships in the strict legal sense,there is no necessary connection between them." After marking out the meaning of nationality we quote a few definitions of nationality,given by various authors. 1-Legal definition of Nationality- The Nationality is "the s

Marxist Theory of rights

                Marxist Theory of Rights Rights of liberal State welcomed- Marx and Engles welcomes the existence of civil rights in the contemporary bourgeoisie-democratic state because they represented an advance from the feudal state  where no such rights existed. Moreover,though from these rights the capitalist benefitted most, these rights also enabled the workers to organise easily against the capitalist and start agitations. Freedom of the Press defended- As the editor of Rheinixhe Zeitung, Marx wrote many articles defending the freedom of the press but criticised the law of censorship imposed by the state. According to Marx,censorship entirely destroyed the freedom of the Press and various rights conferred upon the people by the constitution. Adult Suffrage- Marx admitted that the capitalist were the major beneficiaries of the civil liberties or the rights guaranteed by the Constitution,since they could invest huge money to own and control the Press. In spite of that t


                                    Law The term 'Law' has been derived from "an old Teutonic root 'lag' " which means something which lies fixed or evenly ". Law regulates life and without law there is chaos of confusion. The term law is used to denote that which is uniform. Laws are of two kinds:physical and human. Those laws which regulate nature are known as physical laws. Those laws which regulate human life are known as human laws. In Political Science we use the term law to mean a body of rules to guide human actions. Definition of Law 1-According to Salmond, "Law is a collection of the rules which the State recognises and applies in the admiration of justice." 2-According to Austin, "Law is the command of the sovereign." 3-In the opinion of Holland, "A law is a general rule of external human actions enforced by a sovereign political authority." 4-According to Krabbe ,"Law is the expression of the jud


                          Individualism Individualism considers the State a necessary evil,but it wants to keep the State because without the state,law and order is not possible and without law and order the progress of civilisation and culture is not possible. In spite of all this, the individualist wants to limit the function of the state. Statement of the Theory of Individualism The principles of individualism is also called Laissez Faire in French language,which means,'leave the individual alone ' and there should be minimum interference, in his functions,by the government. It should be left to the will of the individual to do what he desires. The State or the government should only interfere when it feels that one individual is unnecessarily interfering in the liberty of the other. According to John Stuart Mill, the main function of the state is protection. Therefore,the maintenance of army,police,navy and courts is justified,but the things which are not directly


                              Nazism After the First World War (1914-18) the principles preached by Hitler are known as Nazism . There is no need to give details of Nazism,because it's principles are identical to those of Fascism. The reasons for the rise of Nazism-Germany faced a defeat in the First World War. Heavy war reparations were imposed on her . Many of her parts were given away to the neighbouring states and the German armed forces were reduced considerably. Many types of weapons of war. Germany suffered a severe loss in the war and its treasury lay empty. She had no money to give to the allies, i.e England, France the U.S.A.etc. but the allies wanted to realise the money from Germany by force. Thus the economic conditions of Germany deteriorated considerably. After World War I, Weimar Constitution of Germany was framed. According to it ,democracy was established. This democracy continued till 1919-1933. The democratic government of Germany could not solve the prob