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                                Rights Meaning of Rights- State is known by the rights that it maintains ,says professor Laski. The State ought to guarantee to individual the enjoyment of a certain number of basic human rights which are essential for good life. Thus, the rights anyone may claim are partly those which are essential to every man in order to be a national human person, and partly those which are necessary for the fulfilment of the functions that society expects from him. They are conditioned by and correlative to his social responsibility ". Some important definitions are given below- 1-"Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek to be himself at his best" .-Laski 2-According to Sri Niwas Shastri, "In its essence a right is an arrangement,rules, or practice sanctioned by the law of the community and conducive to the highest moral good of the citizens". 3-"Rights are one man's capacity of influen


                              Equality Equality means that all men are equal and all should be entitled to identity of treatment and income. "Men are born, and always continues,free and equal in respect of their rights ".We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal " .But in practical life no men are equal in physical constitutions,capacity and temperament. Professor Laski says , "Equality does not mean the identity of treatment or the sameness of reward. If a bricklayer gets the same reward as a mathematician or a scientist, the purpose of society will be defeated. Equality means first of all the absence of social privilege. In the second place it means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all." Equality is a levelling process- Professor Laski also defined, "It means that no man shall be placed in society that he can overreach his neighbors to the extent which constitutes a denial of the latter's citizenship.&q


                                        Liberty Meaning of Liberty- Liberty has been derived from the Latin word 'Liber' which means free from all shackles. Liber denotes the absence of all restraints . It means one can do whatever one likes,regardless of all conditions. Liberty is possible only in an ordered State,a state where the legal and political aspects of sovereignty coincide or nearly coincide. Definition of Liberty- 1- According to Seeley ,"Liberty is the opposite of over-government". 2- Mr. Burns defined "liberty to grow to one's natural height ,to develop one's abilities". 3- Gettel says, "Liberty is the positive power of doing and enjoying those things which are worthy of enjoyment and work ". 4- According to Mahatma Gandhi ,"Liberty does not mean the absence of restraints but it lies in development of liberty ". 5- Laski maintains ,"Without rights there cannot be liberty,because,without righ

What is Political Science?

       Nature,Scope and Methods of Political                                       Science Meaning of Political Science- The term Political Science is related to the word "Politics",which self is derived from the Greek word-"Polis" which means city-state. The origin of political thought in the west . The sophists particularly Protagoras and Georgias in Athens were the first to deal with this mode of thought and then expound a political theory. Later on Socrates ,Plato and Aristotle continued to conduct the scientific study of the various problems concerning the state and the government. Definition of Political Science- 1- Paul Janet says that "Political Science is the part of social science which treats of the foundations of the State and the principles of government. 2- According to Garris, "Political Science deals with the origin,development,purpose, and all political problems of the State". 3- Lord Acon says defined,"Politica