
Showing posts from July, 2019

Marxist Theory of rights

                Marxist Theory of Rights Rights of liberal State welcomed- Marx and Engles welcomes the existence of civil rights in the contemporary bourgeoisie-democratic state because they represented an advance from the feudal state  where no such rights existed. Moreover,though from these rights the capitalist benefitted most, these rights also enabled the workers to organise easily against the capitalist and start agitations. Freedom of the Press defended- As the editor of Rheinixhe Zeitung, Marx wrote many articles defending the freedom of the press but criticised the law of censorship imposed by the state. According to Marx,censorship entirely destroyed the freedom of the Press and various rights conferred upon the people by the constitution. Adult Suffrage- Marx admitted that the capitalist were the major beneficiaries of the civil liberties or the rights guaranteed by the Constitution,since they could invest huge money to o...


                                    Law The term 'Law' has been derived from "an old Teutonic root 'lag' " which means something which lies fixed or evenly ". Law regulates life and without law there is chaos of confusion. The term law is used to denote that which is uniform. Laws are of two kinds:physical and human. Those laws which regulate nature are known as physical laws. Those laws which regulate human life are known as human laws. In Political Science we use the term law to mean a body of rules to guide human actions. Definition of Law 1-According to Salmond, "Law is a collection of the rules which the State recognises and applies in the admiration of justice." 2-According to Austin, "Law is the command of the sovereign." 3-In the opinion of Holland, "A law is a general rule of external human actions enforced by a sovereign political authority." 4-According to Krabbe ,"Law is th...