Liberty Meaning of Liberty- Liberty has been derived from the Latin word 'Liber' which means free from all shackles. Liber denotes the absence of all restraints . It means one can do whatever one likes,regardless of all conditions. Liberty is possible only in an ordered State,a state where the legal and political aspects of sovereignty coincide or nearly coincide. Definition of Liberty- 1- According to Seeley ,"Liberty is the opposite of over-government". 2- Mr. Burns defined "liberty to grow to one's natural height ,to develop one's abilities". 3- Gettel says, "Liberty is the positive power of doing and enjoying those things which are worthy of enjoyment and work ". 4- According to Mahatma Gandhi ,"Liberty does not mean the absence of restraints but it lies in development of liberty ". 5- Laski maintains ,"Without rights there ...